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Battery Replacement at Fariway Auto Clinic in Carlsbad

February 9, 2017

Hello, welcome to Fariway Auto Clinic. Today's focus is batteries. It seems like everything in Carlsbad runs on batteries. Of course, the batteries we're most concerned with here at Fariway Auto Clinic are those in our customer's vehicles. Just like the batteries in our smoke detectors or TV remote, Battery. This can be thought of as the power output used to start a cold vehicle engine. The number of cold cranking amps you need depends on your vehicle and where you live in New Mexico, specifically how cold it is. (Many Carlsbad drivers have first-hand experience trying to start their car on a cold winter morning.) The two factors are that the colder your vehicle's engine is, the more power it takes to turn the engine over to get it started. It has all that cold, sluggish oil to contend with.

The other factor is that the chemical reaction in the battery that creates electrical energy is less efficient when the temperature dips. Let's say it's eighty degrees Fahrenheit in Carlsbad. At that temperature, 100% of the battery's power is available. At freezing, only 65% of battery power is available, but it requires 155% as much power to start the engine as it did at eighty degrees.

As you can see, the colder it gets, more power is needed, but the available power drops.

So if you live where it's cold in New Mexico, you need a battery with more cold cranking amps than you do where it's moderate or hot. The battery that originally came with your vehicle was based on averages. At Fariway Auto Clinic, we like to remind Carlsbad drivers that they should always get at least as many cold cranking amps as their vehicle manufacturer recommends, but may want to upgrade if they live where it gets real cold.

Fariway Auto Clinic
902 1/2 North Main St
Carlsbad, New Mexico 88220


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